Monday, March 27, 2023



From the Internet of Things, 5G, artificial intelligence, automated driving and more, perhaps no one is able to list the emerging technologies. The complexity of the technological world is amazing, but equally bewildering and difficult to understand. Still, researchers, engineers and technicians need to focus on their part of the job. Complex robots consist of small functional units that can be operated by relevant professionals. They are guided by scientific texts and minds. Despite the complexity of the technology, they can ultimately be found in simple sources in scientific texts.

A search, technology is defined as "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry." Definitions are broad, seeming to include all useful ways for humans to do something. In fact, technology itself is a broad term with many valid definitions. Both definitions are correct in the sense that they describe the phenomenon. But they do not explain the meaning of terms like "technology", "application" and "scientific knowledge", which can include vague terms and all things in the universe.

As we defined science in terms of text in the essay "A New Definition of Science - Textual Foundations Representing the Real World", technology should be defined in terms of text due to its scientific nature. 

1. Scientific Texts - Origins of Technology

We regard texts as central to science, which should also be at the core of technology because of the essentially similar nature of science and technology. Now that we are not repeating the textual nature of Science/Technology, interested readers may refer to our article "Language - Origins of Science".

Not only natural phenomena are represented and stored, but human actions are also represented. The processes, methods, details of attainment are recorded in texts, which are then established in presentation form. With textual representation, human activities are organized, classified, and built upon existing known technologies.

Characteristics of technology

Generally, technology is viewed in terms of its impact on society, such as its relationship with culture, its practical uses, its relationship with economics, politics, etc. They are its manifestations rather than its essence. They focus on non-textual or non-textual in nature. Attributing the characteristics of technology to different aspects of society not only complicates the issue, leading to endless conversations, but also takes away the human purpose from the true nature of technology.

Faced with the complexity, diversity of ubiquitous and ever-changing technologies, we must deeply consider the common characteristics that all technologies possess. Represented by text, technology shares its essential characteristics common to all technologies.

Technical documents

Procedures, skills, materials, processes, principles, etc. User manuals, technical specifications are usually the first items required by customers and engineers during product shipment or product development phases. Technical documentation describes the product more accurately than the actual operation of the product. Despite complex operations, deviations in operating conditions and by different people, a lot of materials, personnel changes, the documents are relatively stable, simple, accurate, reliable and interpretable.

Again, it must be emphasized that scientific texts make an impression on the mind. Technical documents should be in mind and not as technical text in mind.

2. Difference between science and technology

Difference between science and technology should be found. Although they have a vital root, their appearance and significance varies for different aspects of the human world.

Science and technology have same branch and knowledge.  Science aims to observe and explain, whereas technology aims to act and change. Their directions are opposite to each other. Science is more about observation, whereas technology emphasizes action. The same texts can be considered science or technology depending on the purpose and usage

The complexity of the technological world is amazing, but equally bewildering and difficult to understand. Despite the complexity of the technology, they can ultimately be found in simple sources in scientific texts. But they do not explain the meaning of terms like "technology", "application" and "scientific knowledge", which can include vague terms and all things in the universe. As we defined science in terms of text in the essay "A New Definition of Science - Textual Foundations Representing the Real World", technology should be defined in terms of text due to its scientific nature.1. Scientific Texts - Origins of Technology We regard texts as central to science, which should also be at the core of technology because of the essentially similar nature of science and technology. The processes, methods, details of attainment are recorded in texts, which are then established in presentation form. Attributing the characteristics of technology to different aspects of society not only complicates the issue, leading to endless conversations, but also takes away the human purpose from the true nature of technology. Despite complex operations, deviations in operating conditions and by different people, a lot of materials, personnel changes, the documents are relatively stable, simple, accurate, reliable and interpretable. Although they have a vital root, their appearance and significance varies for different aspects of the human world. The same texts can be considered science or technology depending on the purpose and usage .

Despite the complexity of the technology, they can ultimately be found in simple sources in scientific texts.Although they have a vital root, their appearance and significance varies for different aspects of the human world. Scientific Texts - Origins of Technology We regard texts as central to science, which should also be at the core of technology because of the essentially similar nature of science and technology. But they do not explain the meaning of terms like "technology", "application" and "scientific knowledge", which can include vague terms and all things in the universe.Attributing the characteristics of technology to different aspects of society not only complicates the issue, leading to endless conversations, but also takes away the human purpose from the true nature of technology.


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